If it was all up to you, what would we do with the QED? Would you continue the summer 2021 active transportation pilots, or maybe you have something bigger and bolder in mind.

We’re looking to create a set of options for a future QED, and we need your help to come up with those options.

If you have ideas, we would like to hear them by having you:

  • Write a short guest blog post like this or this or
  • Prepare a Twitterstream of what the QED corridor could be, as others have done for Bank St and Bronson Ave

Big ideas or small suggestions … we want to hear them all.

We’ll discuss different options on 27 October at 7pm via Zoom — registration on Eventbrite — and use those conclusions to advance a shared agenda for better parkways.

What are your thoughts for a better Queen Elizabeth Driveway?